The Perfect Combo

When your sandwich is perfect...Ahhh..It's priceless. It has been a while since I posted. There's no excuse but during the time that I was gone, I did many things. One of them being perfecting the best sandwich combinations...At least to me they are, keep in mind I am no masterchef (shocking). Here are 2 of… Continue reading The Perfect Combo

Some Kingston Love

One of my best friends from high school came to visit me in Kingston this weekend. One thing that we loved to do back in Vancouver was to visit cute cafes and draw the buildings outside. We chose to settle down in a cafe across from Kingston City Hall. Though the drinks and atmosphere was… Continue reading Some Kingston Love

Noodles in My Doodles

My fondest memories of drawing as a kid was doodling. It wasn't sketching still life or painting landscapes, but rather drawing anything that popped into my head, all over the page until the whole thing was covered. I like to describe this type of drawing as a "visual sensory overload". It's also unique because it… Continue reading Noodles in My Doodles

3. Handy

Check out that adductor pollicis! The hands are one of my favourite things to draw. You can easily recognize someone by their face, but the hands are unique to each person as well. I know mine like how people know their own faces by every wrinkle, line, and little quirk. Like Joey with his hand… Continue reading 3. Handy

2. TRICEPing

Tackling the shoulders once again. The human body never ceases to amaze me with its complexity. The skeletal muscle unit for my anatomy course is going to be the death of me. Comment if you agree. 😆 My schedule is getting more and more packed. I haven't been drawing constantly for the past few days,… Continue reading 2. TRICEPing

Give me brains.

I think I found my calling...I LOVE MY ANATOMY CLASS. I sound like a complete nerd but even the textbook is pretty cool... The anatomy lab where we got to look at cadavers was incredible. I never thought I would get to touch and handle real human organs and bones! The first day of class… Continue reading Give me brains.