Caffeinated: Day 4

I had coffee today at a local cafe/grocery store. It was good but to be honest nothing life-changing. I was short on time today, so today's drawing is a little more "rustic". Yes, the pencil lines are left in intentionally. There is absolutely no other reason. I also didn't realize how hard it would be… Continue reading Caffeinated: Day 4

Caffeinated: Day 3

My exam is quickly approaching, and the nights of sleep deprivation become more frequent. Today, I decided to grab coffee at our university cafe. Ummm....Oat milk lattes. I really appreciate how the cafe is student-runned. Also, the prices are very affordable, and everything is compostable! In my drawing, I also thought I would start taking… Continue reading Caffeinated: Day 3

Caffeinated: Day 2

Day 2 of my coffee adventures, I went to America's most trusty coffee chain - Starbucks! I don't know what it says about my taste in coffee but I quite enjoy Starbucks espressos. I also didn't realize a grande americano came with 3 shots of espressos?! Well. Guess who isn't sleeping or napping for the… Continue reading Caffeinated: Day 2

Caffeinated: Day 1

Senioritis is a true phenomenon, and it has been validated time and time again by countless students, myself included. In fact, it has its own definition on Google: "a supposed affliction of students in their final year of high school or college, characterized by a decline in motivation or performance." Well, this is the final… Continue reading Caffeinated: Day 1

Sweet Tooth

Quarantine calls for extra time spent reminiscing. And specifically about childhood snacks. I have a raging sweet tooth, but I think this doodle will hold me over until I can get my hands on these goodies again 🤩 (Procreate. 2020)  

what you love

This is something I whipped up for my mom's birthday. Just a reminder to do what you love because she told me her new years wish is for me to be more happy. I thought I was already very happy 😂 so maybe she meant for me to maintain this state of mind for 2020.… Continue reading what you love

Pesto Best-O

Pesto Best-o. SketchBook. 2019. It is probably like my 5th time watching Friends, and it never gets old. Is it a coincidence that I happened to watch this episode shortly after I drew a jar of pesto sauce? I think not. And if you are wondering why I was drawing a jar of pesto, I… Continue reading Pesto Best-O

dinner is served: mac n cheese

mac n cheese. SketchBook. 2019 I hated the Kraft dinner stuff growing up so I always assumed that mac and cheese tasted bad...Until this year. One of my friends makes some of the best mac and cheese, and I have been converted ever since. This recipe from The Chunky Chef ( is pretty similar to… Continue reading dinner is served: mac n cheese


If you know, you know...🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶 Spicy. iPad: SketchBook. 2019. Lao Gan Ma is a really good chili sauce from China. There's a video of John Cena confessing his love for it. Hahaha. If you google the sauce, you can even buy Lao Gan Ma merch. 😲 Look out for more art related things in the… Continue reading Spicy

Feast your eyes

Dim sum has a special place in my heart, especially those from Cantonese dim sum restaurants back in Vancouver. My family is from Shanghai, so our version of dim sum is a little different from popular dim sum foods in North America. My mom hates going to the restaurants because they were so loud. I… Continue reading Feast your eyes