Caffeinated: Day 4

I had coffee today at a local cafe/grocery store. It was good but to be honest nothing life-changing. I was short on time today, so today's drawing is a little more "rustic". Yes, the pencil lines are left in intentionally. There is absolutely no other reason. I also didn't realize how hard it would be… Continue reading Caffeinated: Day 4

Caffeinated: Day 3

My exam is quickly approaching, and the nights of sleep deprivation become more frequent. Today, I decided to grab coffee at our university cafe. Ummm....Oat milk lattes. I really appreciate how the cafe is student-runned. Also, the prices are very affordable, and everything is compostable! In my drawing, I also thought I would start taking… Continue reading Caffeinated: Day 3

Caffeinated: Day 2

Day 2 of my coffee adventures, I went to America's most trusty coffee chain - Starbucks! I don't know what it says about my taste in coffee but I quite enjoy Starbucks espressos. I also didn't realize a grande americano came with 3 shots of espressos?! Well. Guess who isn't sleeping or napping for the… Continue reading Caffeinated: Day 2

Caffeinated: Day 1

Senioritis is a true phenomenon, and it has been validated time and time again by countless students, myself included. In fact, it has its own definition on Google: "a supposed affliction of students in their final year of high school or college, characterized by a decline in motivation or performance." Well, this is the final… Continue reading Caffeinated: Day 1

Hot girl summer diet

Back with another quick doodle. I was inspired by artists on Instagram, most notably my mom! She encouraged me to participate in one challenge about drawing instant ramen. I don't usually eat ramen, so I went to pick up a pack that was the most (pink and) aesthetically pleasing to draw. The shiny reflections on… Continue reading Hot girl summer diet

Lunar new year

Happy lunar new year! Hope everyone celebrating it was able to eat some good food and connect with loved ones (hopefully safely!). This year's new year eve (February 11th) crept up on one of my busiest weeks of this semester so far. I didn't have any special celebrations, but my house did get some good… Continue reading Lunar new year

Year of the Ox

Chinese New Year starts on February 12th this year, and we are celebrating the year of the ox! Whether you are a believer of zodiac signs and all the associated traits and symbolism, or not, we can all appreciate the legacy of this Chinese tradition. (Read more about it here: LINK). To get myself prepared… Continue reading Year of the Ox

I’m Board

Happy new year everyone! 🥳🎉 What do you get during winter break in a house full of hungry and bored university students? Lots and lots of charcuterie & cheese boards. I made this graphic for a close friend of mine for their birthday to honour their unconditional love for charcuterie boards. I wanted to make… Continue reading I’m Board

‘Tis the season

Happy holidays! Merry Christmas! 'Tis the season to light holiday candles, drink hot cocoa, and watch terrible Christmas movies on Netflix. 2020 has changed everyone's life and what we determined to be "normal". I wanted to document how we managed to regain some of this "normal" throughout this holiday season (while staying safe). I am… Continue reading ‘Tis the season

Sweet Tooth

Quarantine calls for extra time spent reminiscing. And specifically about childhood snacks. I have a raging sweet tooth, but I think this doodle will hold me over until I can get my hands on these goodies again 🤩 (Procreate. 2020)