How to Bullet Journal

It has almost been a year since I started my first bullet journal. While I don't use mine as routinely as most bullet journal users, I have some tips on how to start a bullet journal. I also included some of my favourite spreads from the past year. 🤩 Find a purpose for your journal.… Continue reading How to Bullet Journal

1. Cold Shoulder

This was my first anatomical drawing of this "series". We have access to this amazing bank of photographs for my anatomy course. I used it to jump start my next project. My mom inspired me to do this. She loves to draw, and she recently made it her goal to draw everyday, no matter how… Continue reading 1. Cold Shoulder

Summer 2K18

My favourite moments from this summer summarized in photos. 💯 Night market rejoicing. Reach for the skies. Edge of Nowhere Lighthouse. Roadtrip cruising (Cannon Beach). The colour yellow.