Pescetarian Part 2

Inspired by my Montreal bagel. Sometimes the greatest joy I find in drawing my favourite foods. It was also interesting working with the oil painting tools in Procreate. I ended up cheating by using markers but the oil paints allowed me to add more texture to the graphic 😍

what you love

This is something I whipped up for my mom's birthday. Just a reminder to do what you love because she told me her new years wish is for me to be more happy. I thought I was already very happy 😂 so maybe she meant for me to maintain this state of mind for 2020.… Continue reading what you love

There are no words…

I love drawing but I am NOT a doodler. With uni full-time, I find it more and more difficult to find the time to sit down and paint or sketch. Over the past few weeks, I found myself "doodling" words.   I have been using this as my Christmas card to family and friends! This… Continue reading There are no words…

Meme Worthy

If you don't go to Queen's, then you probably don't know the hype around sushi burrito. This creation from Kpop Sub Sushi took QU by a storm. In fact, our club even made this into a sticker to commemorate it. 10/10 recommend if you ever visit Kingston!! 🙈

How to get more involved in uni as an introvert

I didn't get involved in many extracurriculars back in high school nor my first year of university. I remember feeling like there was something wrong with me for not being interested in anything school related, especially seeing how active my friends were at school. All this, and I can tell you that that mindset is… Continue reading How to get more involved in uni as an introvert

Sunny Side Up

Yolky. SketchBook. 2019. I have drawn and painted my hands too many times to count. To make things more interesting, I decided to have my HowToBasic moment. My vision was a more detailed study of the reflective surfaces and layering of paints. The thin layer of yellow paint definitely helped to create the illusion of… Continue reading Sunny Side Up

Summer 2019

I was quite surprised to end up travelling this summer. I got to visit Changzhou and Shanghai. It was stressful at times but nonetheless I was able to enjoy many things! The food was delicious...and cheap! My favourite food moments were just shabby street corner food stands. I see locals lining up, and I am… Continue reading Summer 2019

Reluctant to Tell People that I Want to be a Doctor

Just another stressed out student that is uncertain of life after university. My dream job when I was a kid was always to become a doctor. But shortly I stopped having that dream because my grades were terrible in elementary school. I poured my passion into art and design and when I began to gain… Continue reading Reluctant to Tell People that I Want to be a Doctor

Pesto Best-O

Pesto Best-o. SketchBook. 2019. It is probably like my 5th time watching Friends, and it never gets old. Is it a coincidence that I happened to watch this episode shortly after I drew a jar of pesto sauce? I think not. And if you are wondering why I was drawing a jar of pesto, I… Continue reading Pesto Best-O