‘Tis the season

Happy holidays! Merry Christmas! 'Tis the season to light holiday candles, drink hot cocoa, and watch terrible Christmas movies on Netflix. 2020 has changed everyone's life and what we determined to be "normal". I wanted to document how we managed to regain some of this "normal" throughout this holiday season (while staying safe). I am… Continue reading ‘Tis the season

Giving Thanks

Give your thanks to the autumn season and all the thanksgiving dinners (in Canada). I made thanksgiving dinner not once, but TWICE! Perhaps I watched too much of The Chef Show on Netflix... But it was so great to reconnect with family and friends (while following COVID-19 precautions: limit your social bubble and keep indoor… Continue reading Giving Thanks

Second MCAT (6:30am + Advice)

So I wrote the MCAT at 6:30am. It was a chaotic 3 months leading up to the exam 🤧 I was able to improve on every section, except for C+P (a coincidence that the section I bombed was the first section at 6:30am?!! I think not). Nonetheless, I wanted to share some study and exam… Continue reading Second MCAT (6:30am + Advice)

Premed response to systemic racism in Canadian healthcare

When premed students are asked why they want to be a physician, I assume the answer is always along the lines of having a desire to help out those in need and to make a difference in the community. In light of the recent cases of police brutality on black people and the ongoing protests,… Continue reading Premed response to systemic racism in Canadian healthcare

Sweet Tooth

Quarantine calls for extra time spent reminiscing. And specifically about childhood snacks. I have a raging sweet tooth, but I think this doodle will hold me over until I can get my hands on these goodies again 🤩 (Procreate. 2020)  

Happy Mother’s Day

I wouldn't be who I am if it were not for my mom's continuous support and love. Lots of love 💕 Don't forget to send your mom a text, an email, a call, or a digital drawing (like me- feel free to use this!). Happy mother's day! Procreate. Digital drawing. 2020

My MCAT Experience and Advice

Hi everybody, I wanted to share my experience self-studying and writing the MCAT in the summer of 2019. I heard the MCAT has been shortened this year...(Almost makes me wish I took the exam this year). Nonetheless, I want to share some MCAT advice from my experience. Plan ahead: I set myself 3 months to… Continue reading My MCAT Experience and Advice

Now what?

     The last two months flew by so fast. It challenged all of us to adapt to a new way of living and to accept the new reality, as peculiar as it is. Self isolation is no piece of cake. The challenges we face at home are more emotional and psychological. Communication with friends… Continue reading Now what?