I am going to be a doctor!

RIP “Hungry and Fervent” as I welcome the next chapter of my life…That being I am going to be a doctor! I recently got accepted into med school here in Canada at University of British Columbia. I grew up in Vancouver so I am ecstatic to go back to be with family and to start med school to become a doctor?! Someone pinch me. This has my dream since elementary school and now it is my reality. It is surreal. A part of me still identifies with my past experiences: the one who loves scooping poop at rabbit shelters (or in other words volunteering at rabbit shelters), the one who cracked a raw egg on her hand to get a reference picture for a painting, and the one who insisted on getting a huge purple puffer for the winter. I am still all of those things but I am going to be more (I hope).

Note: the egg was not wasted.

There is no doubt the journey ahead of me is not going to be easy, but it will nonetheless be exciting and special. I will continue to share my art and my pre-med experiences but I also hope to capture the ups and downs of my time in med school on this re-branded blog: “Nostalgic MD” (peep the new logo I made – I kind of LOVE it?). I am honoured to have this opportunity and to be able to share my experiences. This blog is also dedicated to everyone who has helped me get here. Words cannot describe my gratitude, which will be forever and always. I hope I can make my family and friends proud ❤️

Congratulations to everyone who graduated recently! And good luck to everyone still on their pre-med journeys – savour it because you grow so much in the process. Trust the journey and you will make it eventually. And stay tuned as I will be sharing my pre-med experiences over the summer! -J