Now what?

     The last two months flew by so fast. It challenged all of us to adapt to a new way of living and to accept the new reality, as peculiar as it is. Self isolation is no piece of cake. The challenges we face at home are more emotional and psychological. Communication with friends and teachers seem odd and unfamiliar. Phrases like “these trying times” and “hope you are staying safe” appear in every email. Anxiety arises as your toilet paper supply diminishes exponentially. And why is everyone is making Dalgona coffee? And let’s be honest, staying home with family 24/7 is bound to ignite petty and hefty arguments.

dim sum
Doodle I did on the plane pre-social distancing.

     In these trying times (iykyk), it’s a great opportunity to return to those hobbies we neglected during “normal” times. Maybe even pick up new hobbies. It’s also nice to follow a routine and relish in whatever “normal” we can reintegrate into our everyday life. You have all the time in the world (or so we are told), but at the end of the day if all you want to do is lounge on the couch and plays Sims, that is okay too. And don’t forget to check up on friends and family!

     I have finally completed my third year of undergraduate studies at Queen’s 🥳! There are lots of things lined up for the summer. I will be back with random art projects here and there, and I will also be starting a new series documenting my experience applying to medical school (in Canada) amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Stay tuned if you want to see how I attempt to face the taunting thing that is med school applications. In the meantime, if you haven’t already, check out the WHO’s website for their insight and advice regarding the COVID-19 outbreak.

Stay home and stay safe! Take care.