How to Bullet Journal

It has almost been a year since I started my first bullet journal. While I don’t use mine as routinely as most bullet journal users, I have some tips on how to start a bullet journal. I also included some of my favourite spreads from the past year. 🤩

  1. Find a purpose for your journal.
    • I decided one day not to buy agendas anymore. Instead, I bought my first moleskine. I don’t find it hard to keep up with my journal because I use it everyday and it’s a part of my routine like brushing my teeth!BJ3
  2. Google for inspiration.
    • Being not creative “enough” should not be an excuse that keeps you from starting a bullet journal! I often google for ideas and customize the spreads to my liking. Once I tried out a couple spreads, I started to figure out the best format for me and what I absolutely needed in my planner.BJ4
  3. Don’t be afraid to try new things and mess up.
    • Someone once said to me that they couldn’t start a bullet journal because they would get too stressed and scared about messing up. I think messing up is inevitable. I often write the wrong weekdays on my monthly spread and miss dates in my weekly spreads. But as time goes on, you will make fewer mistakes. Practice makes perfect!BJ2
  4. Don’t miss a day. Plan ahead, like WAY ahead if needed.
    • If you know the next few months will be jam-packed, make all your entries in one or two sittings. When school is in session, I draw out the spreads every 3 months. This way I can plan ahead and not have to worry about my bullet journal.BJ5
  5. Enjoy the process.
    • Enjoy the freedom and creative process of bullet journaling. I assure you when you are half a year in, a full year in, one journal finished in, you will look back and be proud of your work!!


Good luck and happy bullet journaling! 🤘

4 thoughts on “How to Bullet Journal”

  1. This is really cool!
    I started doodling about a year ago and the more I find out about, the more I like it.
    My dream is to one day to sell some of them. Either on a t-shirt or a book or a bullet journal!

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  2. I always was attracted to bullet journal ever since I got to know about it. But I thought it’s complicated and just savoured on the thought. Your article is driving me to want to maintain a bullet journal because for a starter, you’ve really portrayed encouraging content on what to do and how-to’s. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No problem!! Practice makes perfect, but not everything has to be perfect. Enjoy the process and your efforts towards this project! It’s definitely something you will be proud of! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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